Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Completeness vs. Individuality

I was walking by a sorority table today, girls and decorations, both with heavy making up a searing pink hue. The stigma came to mind how all sororities lack intelligence and get high off cosmetics, fashion shoes, and using the word "like". But that isn't being fair. As in all things, a sorority, just like a person, should be evaluated on his best and his worst. The worst being organizing tickle fights, fashion seminars, and make up contests, compared to the best, tutoring, service projects, and attracting prospective male students.

But where did i get the "comprehensive" scope. It's strange to assume this to be universally true. I would imagine many cases where the "selective" view is much more important. E.g. if you are artillery operator who can't fire in a straight line, it doesn't matter how great your army cooking is, you are booted.

So i guess, what really is our job? how can we judge anything ? What is the standard? is the comprehesive view ok? In terms of sin, it is not, that is how we get the "good" plus "bad" equals neutral.