Coveting of every kind
- Laptop - looking at an Apple MacBook Pro, or a Widescreen thinkpad - basically will cost $2,500
- Cintiq Drawing tablet -if you don't know what this is. It's basically a huge 22 inch monitor you can draw on. The price tag is ONLY $2,500
- Taylor Guitar - I've always wanted one, and they've been too expensive. Finally, the prices have .....INCREASED! OMG. I'm tempted even more to buy one now, before the price inflates anymore. It's seriously increased about 20% in the last 3 years. The price tag is only $2,500
That's a lot of money. I can hear my mother now. "Tim, that's a lot of money, you should save it". I don't blame her or hate her. In about 20 years when I'm talkin to some youngster "I remember when I earned my first $100,000. You whipper-snappers don't appreciate anything ..... gahhh!"
I remember my first $1000 dollars. I wanted to buy a guitar with it. And I did! I had a Gibson Les Paul Studio ....for one day. They made me return it the next day. Ah, what a sweet 24 hours. How I still dream of the ebony body and rosewood fretboard.
Seriously though, what is the point of saving, if you can't spend it? Having a large bank account but no material goods is practically being poor. I believe this is called the Midas fallacy. Gold is great, but only as a means to get other things. Poor guy wanted gold, but realized he couldn't trade it for anything. He starved to death; you can't eat gold.
Summary: Maybe I should just get 2000 hamburgers. You can't eat a MacBook Pro.