Sunday, July 22, 2007


A majority of my knowledge is fake. Through the scientific method, knowledge accumulates from study, observation, hypothesizing, and formulation. Experiments that Tim has done? Zero. Information stuffed in my head? Lots. 

I've heard "Objectivity" tossed around. The center of this "objectivity" is unbiased information. The great thing about that term is "unbiased" is the criteria. How does one really define unbiased? 

Can you have a bias for being unbiased? We assume that the emotionless recording of events and interactions is objectivity. But wait, we forgot to record emotions, is that not necessary? Ok, so if we continue and record emotions, wait, who can record them? Can we the external scientist record them? Or does the person themselves have to write and express them? And what is true, what is spoken by the subject, or what is perceived by listeners?

Before the knot gets any tighter, the point is, we live in a mess of knowledge. Minds of the people desperately search for some solid ground, only to see that the foundational rock is upheld by something even more mysterious. Questions lead to questions, an unending dance of searching and desire.

The human mind is amazing in that it can picture itself. Is it all the better for it though? The animals suffer for the same genetic animalistic behaviors over and over again, but do we really gain all that much from being cognitive? More questions to lead to other questions.

All this to say, I have much information, but know very very few things. God tells me much. The bible becomes my fill, my substance. For those of you who claim textbooks, research papers, long dead philosophers, may your eyes be lifted, and see you stand on a floating platform, and you have not hte ability or vision to see the supports.

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