Tuesday, May 8, 2007

A Horse! Of course!

I wish was a horse. Strong. Free. Glistening flowing mane.

Animals have it easy compared to humans. Well, let me correct that. Certain animals have it easy compared to humans. There would always be cows that accidentally show up next to Black Angus. They will have the same fate as the oreo next to the cookie monster.

But with squirrels, dogs, cats, and smart possums, life is great, playing in the trees. Dumb possums play dead in the middle of the highway. Playtime is over very quickly. But for all tree loving critters, who wants to be a human?

Here are human expectations:

  1. Clean yourself
  2. Don’t eat off the ground
  3. Don’t be ugly
  4. Don’t be sick
  5. Pay your taxes
  6. Respect your parents
  7. Give money to poor people
  8. Be nice to people you don’t know
  9. And on and on…. “human” etiquette

For all other creatures under the sun, you have only a few expectations to meet:

  1. Poop wherever you like
  2. Eat anything weaker than you
  3. Be dirty (if you see a really clean raccoon, you must admit, it’s real scary. Why would a raccoon be so clean)
  4. Eat weak children
  5. Snarling

Added bonus is there’s no child raising. Often times, you leave the kids in the sand and hope for the best. Come on now, you hoomans. If you could choose, what would you be?

Disclaimer: some people may say, “Tim, if you are a animal, you can’t girlfriends or boyfriends, so isn’t it obvious?

Depends on who you ask.

Summary: If I was an ugly horse. I would blame my master. Eat that Sea Biscuit.

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