Monday, April 2, 2007

Are they nice or are they dumb?

Ever wonder if people are giving you courtesy sounds? I remember giving several bad jokes with a lot of joy, and receiving a lot chuckles. Where they honest? or was I receiving social pity?

There are only 3 possibilities.

  1. They are being nice.
  2. They are being idiots.
  3. They are idiots.

Now, considering that my friends could do stand ins for cave men, items 2 and 3 are actually very different. I am also not saying I shun those of the idioacracy, for it is a great nation which allows us to sue ladder companies for our lack of literacy, gives us In-and-Out drive throughs, and Amazon 1-click ordering. I am a just saying it would be nice to know who is stupid.

Simple question, right? Who is dumb, or who is smart? Homer or O.J. Simpson (this should be easy). Except that it isn't an easy question. For instance, what about our famous Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist who can't find the glasses on his very own forehead, or perhaps a better example is a brilliant chess prodigy who can't stop crapping in his pants?

Forget finding clean power, forget finding ways to habitate the moon. Idiots will always roam the earth, slowing down our DSL, growing on gym locker room floors, why don't we have better security against them? Anyone that looks remotely like the taliban is constantly harrassed yet Bobo who grew up eating yellow crayons thinking they were french fries gets to take care of your children for years at a time?

All I'm saying is, I'd like to know if the girl laughing with me is either being really nice at my obvious neanderthal heritage, or has breathed in too much hairspray.

Summary: I'd take the hairspray girl, she'd be easier to keep happy, and probably wouldn't lace my cereal with impotency pills to make sure I don't procreate. Implying? Me? Nawwwww

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