Monday, April 23, 2007

Centurions and April

When the the weather clears, the sun shines, and the grass is green, I rest in the Hills of UCLA. Reading in the Apartment dulls. Praying stales in closets. Perfect reasons and a perfect time to sit in some green.

For today’s devotional I looked at Matthew 8:

A centurion replies to Jesus: “I am not worthy to have you come under my roof, but only say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I, too, am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. And I say to one, ‘Go’ and he goes, and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it. – Matthew 7

A centurion speaks a command, soldiers obey. No pause. No questions. Consider God’s authority, a mountain to the previous centurion pimple. God is a marshal of all living, all created, and all natural ( for lack of a better word ) things. If a centurion commands men and wars, then God commands all, from molecules to storms, if not even time itself.

Why not speak me to perfection? A simple word would make me tall, buff, wonderful, and excellent at any skill. I would be very Spartan-esc. My current body on the other hand….

So, why am I the way I am? My shortcomings visit me daily performing any human task. Droughts of wisdom retard any hope of good judgment. The cavity in my skull has been filled with stupid. God made my inward parts. After the bathroom, sometimes I suspect they are used parts. My body is the envy of many circus-freaks. Long-arms, big nose, and thunder thighs don’t exactly earn me GQ cover shots. But, based on Matthew 8 God orders all things, so…..

It’ll have some purpose. Someday. It’s my only hope.

Summary: I’m not sure how pimples will be used. When they eventually play their part, I’ll laugh a lot.

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