Monday, April 9, 2007

People are crappy.

Stress and fatigue are top two reasons for personality dysfunction.

Funny Bob suddenly isn't funny. And naturally Bob is asked "Why are you being a loser now, Bob?" Choose your favorite answer

A. I'm stressed out from _______
B. I'm very tired from _______
C. I ate at an odd hour
D. Maybe you suck.
E. Yo momma's a loser now
F. Yo face

"Yo face" is my current favorite. All my friends use this in all situations.

Interviewer: "Would you like this job, working for us?"
College Friend: " Yo face is working for us".

Dean: "You are in a very serious situation, mr. lee"
College Friend: "Yo face is a very serious situation."

Girlfriend: "My face has a lot of pimples"
College Friend: "Yo face has a lot of pimples"

For everything else there is VISA. And when VISA doesn't work. Stress is blamed. Bob is no longer funny. Bob isn't the reason stress over taxes is the culprit. Perhaps the criminal is fatigue from carrying the wife's many shopping bags from the marble outlet. It couldn't be Bob. Bob being uncool and not funny? Impossible!

So here's the new Utopia: no one has stress, and everyone has their maximium performance personality on display. All stress has been eliminated. There is no work, no marriage, no girlfriends, no boyfriends, no sales, no used cars, no broccoli, that's right; paradise. But wait? I just got rid of a lot of good things too.

When answers to questions start eliminating love, eating, and bargaining people to straw huts, the theory is pretty much poo poo.

Whatever happened to just being a crappy person? Apparently the next generation of mirrors broke, because a majority people's faces aren't exactly adding a lot of value to society. Foul mouthing is also driving contributions into the red.

Is there any reason to hide your hideous personality? Plenty of reasons. But if considered long enough, you will realize that everyone has a bit of medusa under their skin. The only loser will be the one who continually looks in the mirror and claims that he does not.

Summary: You think I'm wrong? Well, yo face is wrong!

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