Friday, April 20, 2007

Reverse Showmanship

Showmanship - When in contact with other people, use your best stories, your best speech, and your best tricks. When its going good, leave, to make sure you end on a high note.

One of my apartment mates small group THINKS I'm hilarious.
They THINK so, but I KNOW better than them. Why do I seem funny? Here are some theories:

  1. We interact freely after 4 hours of bible study
  2. We interact after 11pm
  3. I hate the world around 11pm. This goes on for an hour and begin my midnight rant.
  4. I'm not their small group leader
  5. I frankly don't care if I seem homeless or the king of england to their eyes. I say whatever i please.
I see this crowd about twice a month. They swear I'm better than ketchup on fries after 12. It would be an awesome feeling. If only I believed it too.

Now MY small group thinks I'm an idiot
  1. They don't remember what i say after the first hour
  2. I seem to wear the same clothing every small group (I have a rotation)
  3. I mis-match faces and names
  4. I give the "I'm clueless face" a lot.
  5. I'm their small group leader
Small group is also the a serious time. I don't want to come to the end of my life and tell God that I used bible study time to try my new comedic stand-up routine. So once a week my small group gets serious Tim for 4 hours. Reverse showmanship. Not by choice.

I wonder what type of showmanship my parents get? My parents must suspect I have chronic mono, for my intense love of sleep. Maybe a rice addiction too.

I wonder what type of showmanship my friends get?

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