Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Compensating for Idiots

I am an engineer. When designing anything, a large amount of time is spent on idiots.

Why is there rubber on the corners of your table? Idiots might hurt themselves.
Why do you have round-tipped scissors that can't cut s***? Idiots might hurt themselves.
Why do they make Macs? Idiots might hurt themselves.

That's right. Cross-walk signals. Instructions for hot pockets. An Entire industry feeds on the lack of intelligence from dum dum america. Idiots often sound like this:

"What I'm trying to say is..."
"That's not what i mean, what i mean is..."
"It's like a boat...."
"Ok, it's like when you were in kindergarden"

We don't live in a Democracy, we live in an Idiocracy. People even fear intelligence because "it'll make me and nerd", "it'll make my hair fall out", or "your head grows big when you get smart right? I like the Big-Alien look". Did you get that? People CHOOSE to be dumb.

My new business idea is to capitalize on idiots. My dad did. Every year he convinced into yanking the same set of weeds for $1/hour. Great ideas have already flourished under idiocracy: Bottled Water, Chicken in a Biscuit (how the heck did they pull that one off), Chick of the sea, anything made by Ore-Ida, Trans-fat, No-carb Cereal, fruit snacks, and the list of unnatural pointless projects goes on.

i think Electronics insurance would be a great field. I would sell insurance plans covering desktops, laptops, and mp3 players. Of course Idiots will flock to my great company, fearing separation from their internet addictions. Also, the protection from obselete technology would drive them to throw carts of cash. They would think they are getting a great deal.

But I would be much sneakier. I would get out of paying people their claims by adding loopholes in the paperwork not covering certain "patches and updates", or "new" hardware. It would sound all tech-ish in the documentation, obscuring any cognition of blithering idiot America. Basically anything that causes problems won't be covered.

But they won't know that, cuz they're idiots.

Summary: Fight Stupidity. Read a book

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