Thursday, April 12, 2007


When was the last time you cried?

For girls, it'll either be:
A. When your girlfriend got engaged.
B. When you got engaged
C. When you realized your diet wasn't working and you busted your favorite pair of pants.

For guys, naming the last crying instance isn't very easy. For me, crying transports me to a turbulent time. Transformers the movie opened in 86' (that just sounds old now). During Week Holy mass I watched the Autobots kick the screws out of the decepticons and loved every moment of it. But nothing could prepare me for the movie.

First of all, hi quality Japanese illustrations and colors replace the shoddy American work. In the opening scenes a driving rock track pulsed during a high speed driving scene of Hotrod. I almost coughed up candy from the previous week when i saw the animation. When combat ensued, I almost hacked up my innards. It was a frackin' war of 100s of robots !

Then it happened, some of the characters started to die. My eyes have been scarred by some bad horror flix, or slasher films, but nothing is burns in comparison to watching purple energy put holes through your favorite Autobot.

And then it happen. Frackin' Hasbro killed Optimus Prime. The movie didn't just killed him, they mutilated him. He got shot, punched, hacked, stabbed with electronic stalactite; it may as well have been my dad. That was just some plain sad gangster crap. I cried and cried for a whole day and a half. I think a friend accompanied me, but I can't remember who because of all the snot and tears I was shedding. He was crying too. What do you expect? they KILLED Optimus! KILLED HIM!

But that was years ago......*sniff* *sniff*

Summary: If I drank booze, I'd pour out some for you Optimus, rest in peace.

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