Tuesday, April 17, 2007

New Kind of Profane

There are many things that should not enjoy. Many of them are on YouTube. Many of them are profane.

I am desensitized to profanity. It was used in the bathroom, in the classroom, in the gym, over lunch, and after school. Not all profanity is angry. Movies only show angry profanity. Profanity can be used for good. Here are some non-aggressive examples:

  1. That is some funny (crude word for poo poo)
  2. These fries are (foul language-ing) fantastic
This is the language of Oakland, my home town. Hearing someone getting cussed out in a funny video clip is just another warm memory of high school.

And now I am in Los Angeles.

Apparently there are other words you just can't say around here. I am not talking about profanity. Foul and filth pepper my 9-5 workplace with laughter and smiles, but once I talk about having children late in life, or having too much weight, someone starts warming up the electric chair. I once made a comment about my co-worker eating a large volume of girl scout cookies. I almost saw the lord that day. Apparently Jane the co worker doesn't being mind being called a skank or a ho, but Jane hates being called Jane the mature, or Jane the chocolate lover.

I always assumed that the term Maturity is associated with honor, knowledge, and respectability. Somewhere down the line Maturity turned into a synonym for bloated undateable lady prune.

Summary: I can't use the o-word or the f-word (the 3 letter one).

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