Monday, April 23, 2007

Car Grunting

Car grunting

Home isn’t home without the sound effects. I am not referring to the TV, stereo, video games, or kitchen appliances. Let me explain a little history. The lee blood line is lax with adjectives. All topics and issues fall into four degrees of “Good”, “Bad”, “Terrible”, and Ugly.

“Good job on the Yardwork”
“The meat is bad”
“The car sounds terrible”
“Your (tim) grades are Ugly”

When adjectives prove insufficient, Lees will compensate with sound effects. Words can’t capture the incidental sound effects. Instead they will be written in. I will denote them in ( ).

Dad: “…. Yada, I backed up the car yesterday (eeeeeeeeerrrrrrrpppppphhhfff!!), and I hit a tree (kapooow!). Then the service crews came up to the tree and (bam bam bam bam) the tree is in pieces.”

Sister: “Well, that crazy story is nothing. Yesterday I forgot my computer for lab, I was like (wa-la-la-la-la-la) where is it? (ahhhhhhhhhr! Yybhhbyhply!).

And now I follow suit.

Employer: “Describe a difficult situation you have encountered. What solution did you apply?”

Me: “Once this guy would make me so (errrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggh!), you know? And he would always steal my pencils. His victory sound was like (muheeheheheeeheee!), pretty crazy, I know….”

Summary: I didn’t get that Job.

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