Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Man?

Everyone wants to be the "man". The "man" has unbelievably good looks, good luck with women, and magically falls waist-deep into riches. Is there anyone who wouldn't want to be... the MAN?

I don't.

The MAN always has a great start. Some young country boy with rugged good looks charms his way into a commercial. Soon his innocence and quiet demeanor skyrockets him to the movie business. The MAN is wooed by fame and fortune and embraces it. Three wives will move in and out of his life, and then disaster will strike. He will either

A. Make a racist comment
B. Have illegitimate children
C. Start doing drugs
D. Try to play a professional drug

It will be an all time low. The crowd will not want him, no, more than that; despise him. the MAN has never faced rejection, he knows not how to deal with it. He will wallow in depression for years and gutter out in underground Has-been wrestling matches, begging for the attention and love of his pet animals.

Where will I be?

After getting rejected from stardom, high school girls, sports, and any type of muscle gang, I concede and accept my destiny as a Nerd. I sit myself in front of a computer. Confident in my calling and equipped with a thick skin of rejection, I dominate the world, gather riches, and marry the prettiest girl alive.

Summary: I'm in front of the computer, just waitin for the rest to kick into place....

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