Monday, April 2, 2007

My body hates me

I'll be honest.
I started to find hair in the shower. I think it's mine.

My follicle buddies seem to think I'm done for, and they are jumping ship. My little snake hairs have decided to gather at the summit on my knees, waiting for UFOs to come and rescue them from impending doom.

I think my body hates me.

For most people, they have great relationship with their body. "I need to nap right now." or "This isn't going to sit very well, I can tell already". My body is not happy until I've been successful incapacitated or destoryed.

About a week ago I happily gave my body some traditional Sak's Teriyaki place. My body was resented me, but like many girls I know, it didn't tell me. It hinted and nagged with chest pains as I was eating delicious spicy chicken. For two hours, my stomach decides to store up some anger and unleash its revenge in middle of a big joke, out of range of any bathroom.

Also for you Wii-er's out there. Everything is all fun and Nintendo-y, for weeks at a time. Oh the joy of Wii bowling and tennis. Then one day you try to flip your LG phone to call back a Laurie, a hot date. Your wrist decides to give you a celebrity intense wrist sprain. It also remembers some thoughtless weight lifting and imposes and life-changing sprain.

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